"If people are good only because they fear punishment, and hope for reward, then we are a sorry lot indeed."

-Albert Einstein, physicist, Nobel laureate (1879-1955)

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

matrix response

It's been a while since I've seen this movie, and I forgot how big the religious undertones were. I find it strange that they wrote Morpheus's character to have such a blind faith in Neo, as blind faith is not a trait the majority of Americans wish to emulate. I hope.


  1. I love the part when Neo fights all the Smiths in the courtyard. It seem a little strange when the Smiths' hog piled Neo and still didn't defeat him. In the beggining of this scene Agent Smith sticks his fingers into Neo's chest and almost changes Neo for good. It seemed weird that when they hog piled Neo that one of them should have tried changing him instead of just trying to keep him down. They did all this work for no result.

  2. no has been responding to the blog for the movie matrix so I feel like i dont need to keep posting for nothing. I will say one thing that the movie is very interesting and i hate those guys that have the dreds too unfair!
