If you think ethical reasoning only applies to obvious examples like waterboarding or trolleys, think again:
Tech blog Slashdot offers a post linking an apocalyptic sci-fi blockbuster, NASA, and questions of euthanasia and assisted suicide. NASA scientist David Morrison:
'I've had three from young people saying they were contemplating
committing suicide. I've had two from women contemplating killing their children
and themselves. I had one last week from a person who said, "I'm so scared, my
only friend is my little dog. When should I put it to sleep so it won't suffer?"
And I don't know how to answer those questions.'
Maybe we can help out poor, confused Dr. Morrison. In your comment below, imagine you are a deontologist like Kant, and offer advice to one of the frantic people mentioned in the blog. Explain not only what you recommend to do, but why, using appropriate deontological reasoning.
In response to the woman who thinks she should kill herself and her children, Dr. Morrison should tell her that in his professional oppinion 2012 will not be anywhere near as bad as the movie makes it look, and that she and her childern will be able to live through 2012 relatively peacefully. Telling her outright that 2012 will not happen would simply make her distrustfull of scientists and officials. He should then ask for her contact info, so that she can be added to the list of people recieving information on any and all discoveries NASA makes about 2012 (Fake). Then Dr. Morrison should call the nearest psychiatric hospital, and have the woman committed right away, and her children put in the care of relatives. This is dishonest, but it would be the best thing to do for everyone involved, because it would save the kids, and get the mother the treatment she needs, so that maybe one day they can be a family again.
ReplyDeleteI have to agree with Chris.
ReplyDeleteTelling her that 2012 is a fake goes over just as great as telling a stranger that they have a fatal disease, they will dis-believe you and think you're A bit psyco. Pretend to inform them about 2012, get them help.
I wouldnt recomend just comming out and saying the 2012 not going to happen because that will just get the crazed people even more crazed and confused. Insted i would try to talk them out of there suicidal and murderous thoughts and let them reolize that all this worring is just a bunch of nonsence.
ReplyDeleteThe people contemplating suicide do not understand that NASA is merely a movie. If they do contact the government, it is completely wrong to lie to them. I think that Alex's example makes sense but does not quite work. While I would not believe a stranger that told me I have a fatal disease, I would believe a doctor. Humans naturally believe people in authority. I think that most people will believe their government and not doubt scientists when their confusion relates directly to that person's expertise. I am confident that the people will believe an assured scientist. Not only does lying send the wrong message, I do not think it is the most effective form of communication.
ReplyDeleteI'm not really sure how to answer this because I was gone when we went over the main chunk of deontology, so I have no idea if this is right or not. The woman who wants to kill its dog so it won't suffer needs to be told by Morrison that killing the dog would be wrong because it is her only friend, and to kill it would only increase her anxiety and loneliness. Although letting it live might cause it suffering later on, putting it to sleep right away would be cheating yourself of its company.
ReplyDeleteIf we lived in a world where everyone killed themselves, then there would be no reason to worry about 2012 because everyone would already be dead. But that in and of itself could be termed an apocolyptic event. Therefore why not stay alive and maybe (although it's unlikely) die in an unproven event then actually die for real in a most likely unnecessary act?
ReplyDeleteMy advice to these people would be that they need to believe what real and whats not because its been proven by scientists that the world will not end in 2012 and they have reasonings to back it up. They should try to persuade these people that the world dosnt have a way of ending yet, because earlier in the worlds lifetime this was simply a prediction which today has been proved inaccurate.
ReplyDeleteI am going to give advice to the lady who thinks the world will end in 2012. She should be safely assured that she will be able to survive the time period. That it is simply just a convincing movie, nothing else. Also, reason to her about the facts and make sure she understands.
ReplyDeleteI believe that Dr.Morrison should slowly and calmly assure the woman that 2012 is just a movie, that she will not be in any danger anytime soon. But this will take time because like Chris said, it will be difficult to make her believe that it is just a movie and there is no danger.
ReplyDeleteI agree with chris too, i think if this women wont believe Dr. Morrison then shes out of her head. This situation for the kids having to live with this crazy women that wants to kill he is not right. I would move them as far away as possible from there mother. Send that mother to a psycologist as chris said and this debate would be over.