A recent study out of the University of Alberta says that kids who are well-versed in proper spelling are not only unaffected by the atrocities introduced by shortened words and text slang, they actually use complex structures when chatting with each other in addition to new words.
There are some differences by gender, too:
[...]boys who frequently used text speak and abbreviations were less likely to
be good spellers, while the opposite was true of girls—girls who used more
abbreviations tended to be better spellers than girls who did not. This could be
an indication that girls who use abbreviations have a better understanding of
the language and how it relates to "normal" spelling.
I think that txting van make your spellig better if you have the right phone and it depends on if your in a rush or just sitting around. The phone situation depends on if you have a full keyboard giving you the ease of writing full word in less time then the other small keyboards. Time also affects what you right in a ruush your trying to write as little as possible. Your spelling will come around if your taking your time. Even if you have auto caorrect your can learn from your mistakes.