No, I'm not talking about that. Get your mind out of the gutter.
But what if someone approached you and offered up to $2,500 for one of your kidneys? You can lead a perfectly healthy life with only one; and if the procedure is done in a legitimate hospital, it's reasonably safe. Plus, you'd be helping someone else lead a healthy life again - a bit of altruism as an added bonus.
If you think this sounds pretty idealistic, first read this article from the Atlantic; then read this dispatch from a writer who's promoting radical change in the way America deals with organ donation.
4 days ago
Honestly, I wouldn't. And heres why:
ReplyDelete1)If my assuption is correct, I don't know this person at all. I know nothing about him, what kind of person she is, or what he did to help/hurt this world. If this man/woman did terrible things in his/her life. I would never want to help an enemy.
2)Even if this person fits society's normal conduct, how big of a polluter is he/her? Does she drive a hybrid or a hummer, recycle or litter? Does he work at a wasteful factory, or something constructive for the world? Desecration of Nature is a crime beyond murder/thievery, for we only have one planet, and if she dies, we do too.
3)As much of an ass as I sound, theres way too many people on this earth, and population growth is the worst thing. We already can't feed everybody, cities are overpopulating, and theres no way to stop it. Disease can no longer keep our population in check. As much as I want to deny this, people need to die, and if I helped this one person, I'm a hypocrit.
Thanks for allowing me to share my views, and if you disagree with me in any way, please make note of it.