Based upon your observation this morning, your homework this evening is as follows...
Task the FIRST: STATE, as clearly and simply as you know how, one argument you heard given during the debate. ABSOLUTELY VITAL to remember: the structure of a philosophical argument (i.e., its parts). If you need refreshing, go back to your notes from early October and review the terms premise and conclusion. Remember, too, the argument you type is probably going to be a paraphrase of what the 8th grader said - I don't expect word-for-word transcription.
Task the SECOND: EVALUATE this argument. In order to do so, it will be necessary to use terms such as inductive, deductive, sound, unsound, valid, invalid, cogent, uncogent, true, false. Again, review your notes if you need to do so.
Task the THIRD (optional): If you're feeling munificent, and would like to show those 8th graders how it's really done... construct an excellent original argument to support either the affirmative or the negative. By "excellent," of course, I mean either deductive and sound or inductive and cogent.